

turistas, check-in, check-out, prestadores de serviços, mobiliário, electrodomésticos, encomendas, orders, furniture, home appliances, service providers, plumber, technician, electrician, tourists

We receive in your home:


Orders: furniture, home appliances, etc.


Service providers: plumber, technician, electrician, etc.


Tourists: check in or check out



Note: non-exhaustive list

Collections & Deliveries

Collections & Deliveries

encomendas, objectos, artigos, documentos, correios, carta, envelope, análises, exames médicos, lavandaria, chaveiro, chaves, costureira, sapateiro, telemóveis, arranjos, caixa, orders, objects, belongings forgotten, box, documents, post office, letters, medical test results, laundry, locksmith, seamstress, shoemaker, computer technicians

We transport what you want and to where you need it:


Miscellaneous items (without queues): envelopes, orders, objects, belongings forgotten at home, office, etc.


Miscellaneous items (with queues): registered letters from the post office, medical test results, etc.


Service providers: laundry, locksmith, seamstress, shoemaker, computer technicians, etc.



Note: non-exhaustive list

Shopping & Surprises

Shopping & Surprises

pastéis de belém, careca, croissants, palmiers, bolo de morango, frutalmeidas, bom de noz, castanhas, bolos, doces, chocolates, pequeno-almoço, flores, balões, brinquedos, peluches, relógios, perfumes, livros, bilhetes, medicamentos, farmácia, comida, perecíveis, produtos de higiene, produtos de limpeza, custard tarts, strawberry cake, walnut cake, chestnuts, anniversary cakes, candies, breakfasts, flowers, bouquets, baloons, toys, cuddly animals, clothes, watches, perfumes, accessories, books, tickets for shows, mobile, computer components, medicines, food, perishables, hygiene products, cleaning products, pharmacy

We buy and deliver to your place, office or any other suitable location:


Pastéis de Belém: the world famous custard tarts "Pastéis de Belém"


O Careca: the reknown croissants and palmiers


Frutalmeidas: the mouth-watering strawberry cake


Bom de Noz: the magnificient walnut cake


Chestnuts: warm and tasty!


Other products: anniversary cakes, candies, breakfasts, etc.


Flowers: bespoke bouquets


Miscellaneous articles: baloons, toys, cuddly animals, clothes, watches, perfumes, accessories, books, tickets for shows, mobile and computer components, medicines, etc.


Groceries: food, perishables, hygiene products, cleaning products, etc.



Note: non-exhaustive list